The place of deporting I don't remember
Christel Leinemann née Mielke (born 1929)
Progressweg 26
D-08066 Zwickau

The last goodbye to Gross Tuchen.

- Translated by Ken Kranhold and Ellen von Brentano, Arizona -

It was cruel for my foster parents which had been beaten to death by the
Poles. I could stay with the Heimanus family. In November of 1945 we were
banished from our home country. We made it to Küstrin and were quartered in
a school. Right away the next day I was supposed to get lunch for the
family. With a milk can I stood in line. Suddenly two men from the militia appeared.
They took 6 young girls. We were taken to a car. The place of deporting I don't remember.
It was a small village close to Küstrin.

In spite of the coldness in November, we had to chop the potatoes for making Schnapps.
After 3 weeks a Russian commander came and ordered that we should be released immediately,
since we were totally dirty and infested with lice. Our destination was then Berlin.

On the way to Berlin armed, drunken Czechs got on the train. They ordered
us to get out where they were stationed. We had to go with them to their
quarters where we were raped and beaten. On the back and on the chest the
scars can still be seen to this day. Two girls died there. Four of us were
freed. We drug ourselves with great difficulty, onwards to Berlin. We were deloused
and brought to a hospital where I was well taken care for.
I lost contact with the other three girls.

I came to an orphanage and from there the family Schubring which had a farm, took me.
There I came to know my husband. The danger was over. From there on my life improved.

Now we are old and decrepit; but our beautiful Pomerania where we were born
is our homeland.

Zwickau, 19 December 1994
(signed Christel Leinemann)