2. Personal and
Farm Histories
As far as the relationships through oral histories passed down or from our own experience are concerned, I would like to state the following: the first gathering of stories through the years has been supplemented again and again with new information. 2.1. Village Mill The village mill, which belonged to DOMARIUS, went to FEHSER and later to the 3 unmarried FEHSER siblings as heirs. The FEHSERs sold 50 Morgen of cultivated land and pastures, which lay on the edge of the Jungingen Forest and on the border with Zemmen, in about 1890 to AUGUST FRITSCH, apparently as a forest indemnification. After World War I FRITSCH sold this property to BASOWSKI, who owned it until 1945. The estate owner VOELZKE of Adlige Groß Tuchen bought the mill, with 175 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land. VOELZKE later sold the mill and 10 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land to MICKLEI. The mill then went to KARL REDDIES. 20 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land had already been taken for railway right-of-way. RICHARD HEIMANN had received the remaining cultivated and pasture land from VOELZKE. REDDIES and HEIMANN were expelled by the Poles after 1945. 2.2. Village Official's Farmstead Duke BOGISLAV XIV of Pomerania granted the village official's farmstead to the ZÜHLKE family - the daughter of the later owner, ADOLF ZECHLIN, was said to have had the document - and contained 495 Morgen. In about 1855 the ZÜHLKE farmstead was passed to ADOLF ZECHLIN, but ZÜHLKE held back 20 Morgan of cultivated land and a worker's residence. ZÜHLKE built a new residence which was later leased out and in which a bakery was set up. After ZÜHLKE's death his daughter, Mrs. RUHMKE, inherited it. The RUHMKEs had a son, who drowned at the age of 14. A son of ZÜHLKE, Karl, remained unmarried. The RUHMKE heirs sold the parcel to innkeeper HERMANN VEHLOW. Before that, KARL KRAMP had purchased a parcel of 6 Morgen from RUHMKE. The worker's residence was purchased from VEHLOW by BERTHOLD BIASTOCH. The remaining 13 Morgen were purchased in 1911 by Emil Trapp, and went back to the original farmstead. The remainder of the SCHULZENHOF, along with 100 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land, was purchased by JOHANN FRIEDRICH POLZIN, 100 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land by ALBERT SCHLUTT, of outside Groß Tuchen, 30 Morgen cultivated and pasture land by OTTO MOROTZ, 50 Morgen on the highway toward Damsdorf by KARL and FRIEDRICH GUTZMER and 30 Morgen by MIDERKA of Klein Tuchen. The remainder was sold in small parcels to different purchasers. 2.3. Schlucker Farmstead. The parents of the SCHLÜCKER heirs died young. One son, WILHELM SCHLÜCKER, died soon after his military service. Another brother was crippled and later moved to Bütow. The daughter married the miller SCHWOLOW. The land, for the most part, had already been sold. SCHWOLOW's place burned down and he built a mill into the house. It seemed that consumption ran in the SCHLÜCKER family. Mrs. SCHWOLOW died. SCHWOLOW, himself, became sick as well and he sold the property to a teacher OTT, who had been burned out in Kolberg and was relocated to Zemmen. In Zemmen OTT was again burned out. The people of Zemmen replaced their unsatisfactory school with a new one, the same as in Tottenhagen (Kreis Kolberg). This gave OTT a bad reputation with the authorities and the red-haired OTT had to leave the school without a pension. And in Groß Tuchen his strange behavior was noticed and he decided to sell the house and farmstead to SCHOLZ. The mill had already failed and the space was used by dairyman STEINHORST for a creamery. While SCHOLZ still owned it the barn burned down again. After the rebuilding the property went to PLOG, who soon sold it to JULIUS PERLICK and he kept it until the Poles took it over. 2.4. Karl Schlutt Farmstead KARL SCHLUTT, know as "Church Schlutt", because his farmstead lay near the Catholic Church, had 7 children: 5 daughters and 2 sons. The two brothers divided the property between themselves, ALBERT and LEO, each receiving a half. At first the two lived together in one house. As the Village Official's farm was divided in 1875 the elder brother ALBERT sold his half of the house and land to his brother LEO and bought 100 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land of the Village Official's farm that lay on the Kamenz, and also the SCHLUCKER cultivated land of 40 Morgen, which also was there, besides an outbuilding, so that he then had 200 Morgen. ALBERT SCHLUTT died in about 1882 and AUGUST TRAPP (uncle of EMIL TRAPP) married into the family. (ALBERT SCHLUTT was a brother of the mother of EMIL TRAPP). The first marriage resulted in 5 and the second 3 children. AUGUST TRAPP also died in 1889. After several years the two sons from the first marriage, OTTO and ALBERT, divided the property between themselves, each taking half. OTTO SCHLUTT soon sold his half to his brother-in-law, HERMANN von MALOTTKI, and bought the tavern of OSWALD POLZIN in Groß Tuchen. The last occupant in 1945 was MAX DEUBLE. In about 1910 the younger brother, ALBERT SCHLUTT, bought back the other half from MALOTTKI. The successor of ALBERT SCHLUTT until 1945 was the son, EWALD SCHLUTT. OTTO SCHLUTT bought a house in Neustettin and died there. The 2nd son of KARL SCHLUTT, LEO, remained on his father's farmstead. LEO SCHLUTT had 3 sons and 2 daughters. He willed the property to his 2nd son, MAX, after he had added to it about 15 Morgen he had purchased from the SCHLÜCKER farmstead. In 1945 MAX SCHLUTT was the last owner of the property. It was taken by the Poles. 2.5. Matthias Schlutt Farmstead Known in the village as "Heck SCHLUTT". he passed the farmstead to his daughter, CHARLOTTE, because his son, "End SCHLUTT", married into another farmstead. (Remark by Emil Trapp: "I do not know whether it was through marriage or only through a takeover of property, that the cultivated land of "End SCHLUTT" came from "Heck SCHLUTT".) A GUTZMER married into the "Heck SCHLUTT" farmstead. GUTZMERs had 3 sons: KARL, FRIEDRICH and WILHELM. KARL and FRIEDRICH divided the property between themselves. KARL had 2 daughters. The older married BERTHOLD BIASTOCH, who then took over half of the property. FRIEDRICH GUTZMER had 1 son and 2 daughters. KARL and FRIEDRICH GUTZMER died young. The widow of FRIEDRICH GUTZMER married a second time to her unmarried brother-in-law, WILHELM GUTZMER. From this marriage there came a second son: FRIEDRICH GUTZMER. The last heir of this part of the property was (as the Poles took it over in 1945) the older son of FRIEDRICH GUTZMER: WILHELM GUTZMER. 2.6. Eduard Schlutt Farmstead The property was a part of the "Heck SCHLUTT" farmstead and the house was located at the north end of the village toward the lake. EDUARD SCHLUTT had several children. Among them 3 sons: HERMANN, WILHELM and OTTO. EDUARD SCHLUTT died shortly after World War I. The property was divided between HERMANN and WILHELM. In 1945 it was taken over by the Poles. 2.7. Heinrich Schlutt Farmstead I (Emil Trapp) do not know exactly which SCHLUTT family HEINRICH came from. HEINRICH had received only money as his inheritance and had to assemble his farmstead piece by piece. First he bought the laborer's house from the Village Official's Farm and little by little added cultivated and pasture land to it, so that his son, AUGUST, who continued to add to it, finally reached a total of about 40 Morgen. Before his death in about 1935, AUGUST SCHLUTT willed his property to his son, WILHELM SCHLUTT. WILHELM SCHLUTT fell in World War II. After the death of the young Mrs. SCHLUTT the Poles took over the property in 1945. Four children were left orphans. 2.8. Johann Polzin Farmstead The property came from a childless couple named HOLZ. They adopted an orphan, JOHANN POLZIN, who might have been a relative, and made them their heir, so it has been said. The POLZINs had 9 children: 5 sons and 4 daughters, all of whom I (Emil Trapp) knew personally: JOHANN FRIEDRICH, AUGUST HERMANN, OTTO and WILHELM. The daughters were: Mrs. MISCHKE of Klein Tuchen, Mrs. KOLBERG of Groß Tuchen, Mrs. MARQUARDT of Kathkow and Mrs. SELKE of Krossnow. The parents died in 1866 in the cholera epidemic that was in Groß Tuchen at that time. The property of their parents was divided among JOHANN FRIEDRICH, AUGUST and Mrs KOLBERG. HERMANN established a saddlery in Bütow and a furniture store. OTTO married in Klein Tuchen, WILHELM moved to Stettin. JOHANN FRIEDRICH sold his third to a glazier named KAMM, who later sold it to WARMBEIN, and in 1875 bought the house and barn and 100 Morgen of cultivated and pasture land from the Village Official's Farm (on map pages 1 and 2), AUGUST took over the family farmstead, and Mrs. Kolberg a worker's house and a third of the land. AUGUST POLZIN's youngest son, WILHELM, inherited the farm while the older son, ALBERT bought and took over a farmstead with land from wagonmaker TOTZKE near the churchyard. ALBERT POLZIN's son, FRITZ was the heir to the property. MAX KOLBERG, the oldest son of KOLBERG's fell in the last war. In Groß Tuchen there were other Polzin families, who were related to those named above. For instance: "PROCHNOW POLZIN", as he was known, because his predecessor came from the property of the village tavern. Polzins were known as :"Dragoon POLZIN", "Carpenter POLZIN" and "Tailor POLZIN". All either died or moved away except for MAX POLZIN, who lived in a house that was separated from the tavern. A son of "Prochnow POLZIN", this family had moved from Morgenstern, REINHOLD was a master carpenter and son-in-law of JOHANN FRIEDRICH POLZIN and heir to his house that was separated from the village tavern. After REINHOLD POLZINL's death EMIL TRAPP became the heir through a second marriage. 2.9. Johann Limberg Farmstead JOHANN and GOTTLIEB LIMBERG were brothers. JOHANN took over their parent's property, GOTTLIEB married into that of the MOLDENHAUER family (more exact information is not known). JOHANN LIMBERG had 4 daughters and 1 son, all of whom I (Emil Trapp) knew personally. The son, AUGUST LIMBERG, inherited his parent's property. His heir, until the expulsion in 1945, was his son, OTTO LIMBERG. 2.10. Gottlieb Limberg Farmstead GOTTLIEB LIMBERG was married twice. ALBERT LIMBERG came from the first marriage. From the second marriage there were 4 sons and 3 daughters. The sons, ALBERT, OTTO and EMIL divided the property. ALBERT LIMBERG married a cousin, daughter of JOHANN LIMBERG. In this way he and AUGUST LIMBERG exchanged their lands. ALBERT LIMBERG took over the portions of the JOHANN LIMBERG property and rebuilt an old worker's house into a new residence and farmstead and gave up his inheritance to AUGUST LIMBERG. The next sons of GOTTLIEB LIMBERG, OTTO and EMIL divided the remaining two thirds of their father's property. EMIL took over the old homestead and OTTO received a new house. OTTO married a daughter of JOHANN FRIEDRICH POLZIN; EMIL a daughter of ALBERT SCHLUTT, from the Groß Tuchen subdivision. The two wives were cousins. OTTO LIMBERG sold his house some years later and settled in Kremerbruch in Kreis Rummelsburg. The successor of EMIL LIMBERG was his son, EMIL LIMBERG Jr. He married a daughter of MAX SCHLUTT and kept the property until the expulsion in 1945. GUSTAV LIMBERG, the son of the first ALBERT LIMBERG, was the last occupant of the property until 1945. 2.11. The Farmsteads at the Obermühle (Upper Mill) 2.11.1. Barske Farmstead See 3.11. "Obermühle" 2.11.2. Wolff Farmstead See 3.11. "Obermühle" 2.11.3. Pelz Farmstead See 3.11. "Obermühle" 2.11.4. Radde Farmstead Resulting from the division of the property of the Obermühle (Upper Mill), shortly after 1900 (See 3.11 "Obermühle"). The property that later became the Radde Farmstead, with 100 Morgen, went first to the bank. It was purchased in 1907 from HERMANN PORRMANN of Groß Tuchen (it was carried as hereditary property in the hereditary property list of Groß Tuchen sheet 16). In 1914 it was purchased by Karl Radde of Moddrow. He was born in 1871 in Borntuchen, and his wife, OTTILIE née DOBERSALSKI, was born in 1872 in Strussow. KARL RADDE fell in 1914 in World War I. His widow with her 7 children continued to manage the farm until it was taken over in 1930 by their son, PAUL RADDE, and his wife, EMMA RADDE née SCHÜTZ, from Klein Massowitz. They had 1 daughter and 3 sons. PAUL RADDE was shot by the Russians in 1945. The farmstead was taken over in 1945 by the Pole, Jerzy B. and the widow RADDE and her 4 children were expelled. Later Jerzy B. left again and the farmstead was taken over by Ukrainians. These, too, departed and the property was not farmed anymore. Building material was removed and gradually the house, barn and sheds collapsed. The huge garden was finally grown over. Since then forest has covered everything. 2.12. The Farmsteads in Wiesenthal 2.12.1. Paul Biastoch Farmstead 2.12.2. M. Gaul Farmstead 2.12.3. Heinrich Jantz Farmstead 2.12.4. Fritz Kautz Farmstead 2.13. Adlich (noble) Groß Tuchen 2.14. Forest Enclave Wohrlanden (Kautz and Sikorski) 2.15. Forest District Jungingen